Best practices for question types, examples, and tips

Question Types:

  • Open Ended Questions (Qualitative test questions)
  • Multiple Choice.
  • RatingĀ 
  • Ranking
  • Matrix
  • Multiple Text

Sample questions

Tips for Creating Successful Questions:

  1. Avoid Leading Questions: You don’t want to lead your respondents into answering a certain way based on the wording of the questions.

EXAMPLE: We have recently upgraded SurveyMonkey’s features to become a first class tool. What are your thoughts on the first class site?

REPLACE WITH: What are your thoughts on the changes to SurveyMonkey?

  1. Avoid Loaded Questions: These types of questions work through emotionally charged items like words, stereotypes, etc. This too can push respondents towards a specific answer choice.
  2. Avoid Built-in assumptions: Do not ask questions that assume the respondents are familiar with the specifics of it. Include details or additional information if necessary.
  3. No jargon – Use simple language: Use words that are direct and familiar to the respondents. Try not to use jargon or technical concepts.
  4. Double Negatives or Double-Barreled Questions: Double-Barreled questions split them into more than one part, idea, or meaning. The answer choice for each part might have separate meanings to the ideas presented within the one question.

EXAMPLE: How useful do you find SurveyMonkey’s Help Center Topics and the email support center?


  • Q1: How useful do you find SurveyMonkey’s Help Center Topics?
  • Q2: How useful do you find SurveyMonkey’s email support?