Marketing and Sales

Define your customer avatar

Your customer avatar is a detailed profile of your ideal customer. In order to create marketing communication that resonates with your customers, it’s helpful to focus on who your ideal customers are and the value your product or service provides. To paint a detailed portrait of your avatar, you will want to know “who are your customers?” and their demographics such as age, gender, income, etc. It’s also important to know “where do they live?”. Geographic characteristics such as their climate, the region and city they live in etc. You’ll want to know “why do they buy?”. Psycho-graphics such as personality, lifestyle or social class. Lastly, you want to know “how do they buy?” or behaviourial characteristics such as the purchase occasion, benefits sought, loyalty etc. 

Feature vs benefit

A feature describes what a product/service is whereas a benefit is the result the customer will get when using the product/service. A feature describes something about a product in a factual way whereas benefits describes the experience and emotion that comes from using the product or service. In summary, benefits sell and features don’t. For example, non-stick frying pan. Non-stick is the feature whereas quick and easy clean-up is the benefit.

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