Quantitative vs. qualitative data


There are two general types of information: quantitative and qualitative data. The difference between quantitative and qualitative data is the nature of the data itself. Quantitative data has to do with quantities and numbers, or data that can be counted, such as how many, how much, and how often. On the other hand, qualitative data has to do with the characteristics of whatever it is being considered, and involves information about people’s feelings, thoughts, perceptions, opinions, behaviors, beliefs, attitudes and observations.

Both quantitative and qualitative data can be useful depending on your purposes. Here’s a handy table that contrasts the two types of data for easy reference:

Quantitative Data Qualitative Data
  • “What” questions
  • Quantities
  • Percentages
  • Numbers
  • Results from closed questions
  • “Why” questions
  • Information about people’s feelings, perceptions, opinions, behaviors, beliefs, attitudes and observations
  • categorical

Are you ready to apply what you’ve just learned? Test your knowledge with the identification exercise quiz below. Click on the Quiz titled “Identification Exercise: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data“.