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Natural Farmworks

When Brad McNish, Natural Farmworks’ founder, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease he began the search for natural remedies and discovered the remarkable benefits of tea. As the...

Farming Karma

When Avi Gill and his brother Sumeet started looking to the future of their family farm, they never could have imagined how far their healthy fruit sodas...

Westwood Leather Co

In the apparel industry, where quality is often overlooked in favour of lower production costs and fast trends, Westwood Leather Co in Nanaimo, B.C. stands out with...

Vumami Foods Inc

Often described as meaty, savoury deliciousness, umami is one of the five tastes our tongues can detect and adds a rich flavour to any meal. Vumami Foods,...

Stoke the Fire Hotsauce

Sarah Harper and Stu Smith, owners of Stoke the Fire Hotsauce, know that a good hot sauce is what tips the (Scoville) scale between a good dinner...


Boardgames have a unique way of bringing people together, fostering social connections, and providing countless hours of fun and entertainment. In a world of 80-page instruction booklets...

Armilla Tech

One night, Salmon Arm’s Lance Heron woke up from a dream with a brilliant idea: wearable football technology that empowers instant play calling from the sidelines. Fast...

Tandem Studios

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations and improve efficiency. Many software options exist to support businesses, but they often...

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