Working with a personal export advisor

When a business partners with Export Navigator, it is assigned the services of a locally-based export advisor. Austin Engineering has been working with trade expert Michael Hoher to achieve its goals; he’s proved a valuable sounding board for the business and has also provided fresh insight into the company’s challenges.

“Michael loves business and it translates into his enthusiasm for his clients,” said Mary. “He’s supportive and forthright, providing a realistic assessment of the business and its potential for growth. This has focused our attention on innovative clean tech and energy products and services that have received international attention. This tailoring of our strategy was guided by Michael.

“When we initially entered the Export Navigator program, we couldn’t have made all the connections ourselves. Michael bridged that gap for us. His service and knowledge have been more valuable than any grant or financial support. Michael is a source of encouragement and insight. He recommends available resources and enhances our understanding of how we stack up against international competition.

“His entrepreneurial nature and connectivity have brought tremendous value to our team. His roster of contacts alone would have taken decades to build.”

Building the right team

After establishing what was needed to go successfully global, Austin Engineering can now expand its team.

“Over the past two years, we have focused on building capacity to facilitate our desired expansion. We are continuing to hire multiple engineers while incorporating sustainable growth at every level of our strategy. We waited until we had the right resources in place so as not to compromise our delivery to our clients. Working with Export Navigator has helped us create and plan continued sustainable growth.

“We are finding the innovation arm of our operation more exportable than our engineering services; that’s been a catalyst for our exciting clean tech products. We are developing a pipeline of products at various development stages that fall within our core expertise: the generation, transmission, and distribution of renewable energy. We enjoy working in this field and are finding our team’s skills are in high demand.”

Program outcome

Participating in Export Navigator brought connections, fresh insights and the impetus for Austin Engineering to grow. As it stands on the threshold of another exciting year, the company approaches each challenge with confidence, knowing it has a trusted export advisor in its corner.

“I strongly recommend Export Navigator to companies ready to export and to those already experienced in exporting,” Mary says.

“The contacts, advice and encouragement we have received have been invaluable. Michael has been right there to guide and connect us with the key people. His advice has helped us strategically focus on areas of growth opportunity. We hope the program carries on and we look forward to continuing to grow as Export Navigator clients!”

Learn more about Austin Engineering at

Michael Hoher