Kari Asselin was way ahead of the curve when it came to organic beauty products. During her many years as an esthetician, she tried the best skincare products in the world but still struggled with highly sensitive skin. It wasn’t until she started experimenting with plant-based formulations that she really noticed a drastic improvement.

Without a second thought, Kari quit her full-time job and launched herself into learning everything there is to know about natural cosmetics. In 2016, she put her new skills to the test and launched Om Organics in Invermere, B.C., selling high quality, organic skincare products.

A specialty gift box from Om Organics

By 2018, Kari’s passion and excitement for green beauty were attracting attention, so it seemed like the right time to start pursuing sales across the border. Kari’s team contacted Export Navigator and was put in touch with an export advisor to help the company navigate the U.S market.

“Before Export Navigator, I had little understanding of export logistics, so they were a great help in learning how to export to different countries and about regulations, duties, tariffs, and logistics to look out for. We now feel confident taking on international wholesale customers,” says Paloma Stufano, Om Organic’s wholesale manager.

Exporting was a new world for Om Organics, and the learning curve was steep. Kari and her team of five immersed themselves in international customs brokerage requirements, shipping documentation, and protocol for international wholesale inquiries. They were ready to break into new markets.

Identifying Opportunities

With the help of Export Navigator, the team at Om Organics put their focus into increasing online sales with the launch of a new website and e-commerce platform, while also pursuing wholesale opportunities in North America. The results were very impressive.

In the summer of 2020, OM Organics increased online sales by 75% and wholesale sales by 45%, year-over-year. As a result of its increased earnings from exporting, Kari will be hiring two new employees to support increased production.

“Export Navigator is an amazing tool for any business owner who is interested in expanding internationally,” says Paloma. “I would absolutely recommend Export Navigator to other businesses. Thank you for all of your help!”

If you think Export Navigator could help your business, fill out our quick Find An Advisor form to apply. Alternatively, if you’re not sure exporting is right for your business, drop us an email and we’d be happy to discuss your business goals.

Michael Hoher