OneBerrie is an innovation that started out of personal need for one entrepreneur. When Sue-Rose’s first daughter was born, she quickly encountered a problem during bath time. Getting the baby out of the tub while staying dry, safe, and confident was an obstacle she hadn’t foreseen as a new mother.

After experiencing many wet and slippery baths, Sue-Rose came up with a solution and thus, the OneBerrie hands-free towel was born. The unique towel design made taking a baby out of the tub easier and safer than ever.

OneBerrie towels attracted lots of attention and became a necessity for many people. That’s when Sue-Rose knew she had a product that could grow beyond her wildest dreams. However, there was one big problem—she was based in Invermere, and her location proved to be a challenge for shipping logistics. That’s when she connected with Export Navigator for help.

Going international

Sue-Rose found out about the program through another entrepreneur who had gone through Export Navigator with great results. She joined Export Navigator to get ideas on how to grow OneBerrie and access new markets. Naturally, she also thought of expanding her business into the United States because of its consumer similarity with Canada.

With the help of her export advisor, Sue-Rose took the first steps toward exporting to the US. Together, they brainstormed ideas on how they could overcome the challenge of gaining enough capital to do so. Despite the long and complicated process of exporting to the US, Sue-Rose was able to recover quickly from setbacks and celebrate her successes with her advisor. Their hard work paid off and the towel is now utility patented in the US.

“My export advisor was instrumental in helping me navigate into the US with small and economical steps. He was also so helpful in connecting us to other resources like our local Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) rep.,” says Sue-Rose. “Export Navigator has given me confidence in what the OneBerrie team is doing and our future plans.”

You can now find OneBerrie products in retailers across Canada, including bookstore chain Indigo Books & Music. It’s amazing to look back on OneBerrie’s journey, where they started out in a kitchen to growing into a team of seamstresses across the country. They’ve also expanded their product range to include robes, washcloths, lotion, and more.

Exporting has opened new, exciting doors for OneBerrie. With their current export partnership in the US, they have been able to hire a part-time employee to do their shipping out of Calgary.

“Exporting has transformed our business process and has taken the weight off my shoulders as OneBerrie’s founder,” remarks Sue-Rose. “The long-term benefits are starting to show. I now have free time to build my business even more and explore different ideas.”


Michael Hoher